Explore ATL
This website is the result of a week-long exploration. My goal was to present the user with a cultivated collection of Atlanta hotspots, restaurants, and tourist attractions. By limiting the user to a few simple interactions, this site allows visitors to get a brief overview of the unique activities Atlanta has to offer, without overwhelming them with information.
When sketching ideas for this website, my primary focus was on how to display the information in the most compelling manner possible - I wanted to make the website both fun to use and beautiful. To accomplish this, I decided to put a heavy emphasis on photography. High-quality imagery allows visitors to quickly gravitate towards their interests, rather than scanning long paragraphs in a tourist guidebook. Additionally, I leaned on animation to make the user's experience more dynamic.
Organizationally, I decided on a cards-based system, which is both convenient for displaying the subject manner and consistent with web design trends.
UX Design
When they initially land on the page, visitors are given the option to explore five different categories that range from "Food" to "Nightlife". After choosing a category and receiving suggestions, they can toggle filters for price range and location. Different suggestions will be shown based on which filters are turned on. Each card displays only the most prevalent information for each point of interest: location, price range, and a 1-2 sentence summary. Below is a button that will link to Google Maps for directions.
In order to save suggestions they're interested in, users only have to hit the "heart" icon in the top left corner of each card. Later, they can return to these suggestions by visiting the far-right tab on the upper menu.